产品概述︱Product Overview
Our CO2 plant adopt targeted design for different gas sources (The carbon dioxide gas produced by alcoholic fermentation, carbonate calcination, ammonia synthesis, ethylene catalytic oxidation and coal gasification process as raw materials). Theimpurities in carbon dioxide can be removed by filtration, adsorption, reaction, washing, separation,distillationand other methods, so as to achieve the purposeof purification and liquefaction of industrial/food/electronic grade carbon dioxide.
产品特点︱Product Feature
1. 整套装置采用针对性设计,即针对用户不同成分的原料气进行不同设计,在确保产品功能的同时尽量减少设备投资及运行能耗;
2. 设备简练,占地面积小,安装方便;
3. 控制系统采用集散控制系统(DCS系统),操作简单,可实现24小时连续运转无人值守;
4. 整套设备二氧化碳接触部分采用全不锈钢材质,安全性、稳定性强。
1, The plant adopt targeted design for different source of raw gas.
2, The equipment is skid mounted, covers a small area, and is easy to install.
3, The DCS control system is simple and can be operated continuously for 24 hours.
4, All stainless steel is used for the contact part with carbon dioxide, safe and stable
联系人:何中银 先生 (经理)
电 话:0756-6331612
传 真:0756-6331615
手 机:17817185394
地 址:中国广东珠海市金湾区红旗镇联港工业区双林片区创业东一路1号办公楼
邮 编:519090
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