产品概述︱Product Overview
真空低温液体贮槽是一种常用的、先进的低温液体长期贮存设备,具有结构紧凑,占地面积小、贮存量大、压力可调、蒸发率低、安全可靠等优点。广泛应用于工业气体液氧、液氮、液氩、液体二氧化碳、乙烯及液化天然气(LNG )的贮存。贮槽采用双层圆筒结构,夹层装填保温材料并抽真空,主要由内槽及外槽、绝热结构、管路系统及安全附件等组成。
Vacuum cryogenic liquid storage tank is a common and advanced equipment for cryogenic liquid long-term storage.It has the advantages of compact structure, small area, large storage capacity, adjustable pressure, low evaporation rate, high safety and reliability. It is widely used in the storage of liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, liquid argon, liquid carbon dioxide, ethylene and liquefied natural gas (LNG). Storage tank adopts double-layer shell structure, with interlayer insulation material and vacuum, mainly composed of inner and outer shell, insulation structure, pipeline system and safety accessories
主体结构形式︱Main Structure.
配置参数:容积:5~300m³; 压力:0.2-3.0Mpa
Specification: Volume: 5~300m³; Pressure: 0.2-3.0Mpa
Insulation Mode: Vacuum powder insulation or Vacuum multilayer winding insulation
贮存介质:液氧、液氮、液氩、液体二氧化碳;乙烯、 乙烷 、液化天然气(LNG )
Storage Medium: LOX, LIN, LAr, LCO2; Ethylene, Ethane, LNG.
Basic Type: Vertical or Horizontal
流程系统:1. 进液系统;2. 液面压力测量系统;3. 测满系统;4. 安全排放系统;5. 排液系统;6. 放空系统;7. 抽空系统;8. 增压系统。
Process System:
1. Fluid inlet system; 2. Level & pressure measurement system; 3. Full indication system; 4. Safety system;
5. Drainage system; 6. Vent system; 7. Vacuum system; 8. Pressurizing system.
液氧、液氮、液氩储罐主要技术参数︱Main Technical Parameters of Cryogenic Storage Tank for LOX, LIN, LA
联系人:何中银 先生 (经理)
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手 机:17817185394
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