品牌:安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP
Description : Agilent81521B Optical Head
Specifications at a glance for the 81521B:
- Wavelength Range: 900 to 1700 nm
- Detector Type (Sensor Element): Germanium
- Detector Size (diameter): 5 mm - Power Range: -80 to +3 dBm
- Wavelength Accuracy (Uncertainty): +/- 2.2% (100 to 1650 nm)
Additional Information
The Agilent optical power heads are specially designed for low PDL, low spectral ripple and high return loss and are used for optical component test.
- Applicable Fiber Type: Standard Single-mode And Multimode max. 100 um core size, NA < 0.3
- Linearity: -60 to 0 dBm
- Connector Type Options:
81000FA: FC/PC connector adapter
81000KA: SC/PC connector adapter
81000PA: E-2000 connector adapter
81000VA: ST/PC connector adapter
81003LA : LC/PC connector adapter
联系人:黄先生 先生 (经理)
电 话:0755-61962072
传 真:0755-61962072
手 机:18680377383
地 址:中国广东深圳市宝安区45区裕安一路华创达怡富商务楼503
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