出售Agilent 8164A+81682A可调光源
Specifications at a glance for the Model 81682A Option 072:
- Wavelength Range: 1460 to 1580 nm
- Wavelength Resolution: 0.1 pm (12.5 MHz at 1550 nm)
- Optical Output Level: > - 3 dBm (1460 - 1580 nm)
- Fiber Type: Single-mode 9/125 um
Additional Information
-Option 072:polarization maintaining fiber, angled contact output connector (81640A, 81680A, 81682A)
- Spectral Linewidth: 100 KHz (coherent control off); > 50 MHz (1480-1580 nm, at maximum flat output power, coherent control on)
- Optical Power Stability: +/-0.01 dB
- Connector Type: Panda-Type, Angled Contact
- Wavelength Accuracy: +/-0.01 nm
The Agilent Tunable Laser modules with their built-in wavelength control loop push the performance limits. As they are all mode-hop free tunable with continuous output power, they qualify for the test of the most critical DWDM components.
* 彩色 LCD 显示 (option 3)
* 功率计 (选件 29) - 不用额外的功率传感器
* T1/E1 分析仪 (选件 50, S331D 型号)
* 频率范围:25MHz-4GHz
* 手持式, 电池操作设计
* 重量少於 5磅(2.3kg) (已包括电池)
* 内置世界信号标准
* 出众的抗干扰能力
* 130, 259 及 517 数据点
* 内置前置放大器
* 多语言使用介面; 英文, 法文, 中文, 日文, 班牙, 德国
* 内置前置放大器 (标准)
* < - 135 dBm 幅度灵敏度
* Resolution Bandwidth: 100 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence
* Video Bandwidth: 3 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence
* 一键测量: 场强, 占用带宽, 信道功率, 邻通功卒比, 干扰分析和载噪比
* + 43 dBm maximum safe input level
美国安捷伦E4401B 9KHZ - 1.5G
联系人:黄先生 先生 (经理)
电 话:0755-61962072
传 真:0755-61962072
手 机:18680377383
地 址:中国广东深圳市宝安区45区裕安一路华创达怡富商务楼503
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