
联系人:李奎祥 先生 (总经理)




供应德国蒂森Thermanit 25/14不锈钢焊条



说明:Thermanit 25/14 EW 309L-17是钛钙型药皮的超低碳Cr23Ni13不锈钢焊条,可交直流两用,由于含碳量低,故在不含Nb、Ti等稳定剂时也能抵抗因碳化物析出而产生的晶间腐蚀。
Well suited for fabricating austenitic/ferritic joints at max.
application temperature 300 °C (572 °F). Stainless, wet corrosion
up to 350 °C (662 °F). Suitable for depositing intermediate
layers when welding clad products. For joining unalloyed/
low alloy steels/cast steel grades or stainless/heat resistant
Cr steels/cast steel grades to austenitic steels/cast steel grades.
For depositing intermediate layers when welding the clad side
of plates of low carbon, unstabilized or stabilized CrNi(Mo,N)
austenitic metals.

用途: 用于合成纤维、石油化工等设备制造的相同类型的不锈钢结构、复合钢和异种钢等构件,也可用于核反应堆、压力容器内壁过渡层堆焊和塔内构件焊接。
TüV certified parent metals
X10CrNiMoNb18-12 (1.4583) combined with ferritic steels up to
fine grained structural steel S355N. Weld cladding (1st Layer)
on ferritic steels up to S355N and 20MnMoNi45;
Joints: of and between high-tensile, unalloyed and alloyed quenched
and temered steels, stainless, ferritic Cr and austenitic
CrNi steels, high manganese steels.
Weld claddings: for first layer of chemical resistant claddings on
ferritic-pearlitic steels up to fine grained steel S500N used in
steam boiler and pressure boiler construction, moreover for
creep resistant fine grained structural steels 22NiMoCr4-7 acc.
to leaflet “SEW-Werkstoffblatt” No. 365, 366, 20MnMoNi5-5 and


联系人:李奎祥 先生 (总经理)
电 话:0158-22525955
传 真:015822525955
手 机:15822525955
地 址:中国天津河北区王串场津东里5号增14号
邮 编:300105
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