德国蒂森Thermanit 30/10 W不锈钢焊条
Thermanit 30/10 W 符合 GB/T 983 E312-16
EN 1600 AWS A 5.4 Mat. No.
E 29 9 R 1 2 E312-16 (mod.) 1.4337
说明: Thermanit 30/10 W是钛钙型药皮的双相钢焊条,由于熔敷金属中含有40%左右的铁素体,故具有优良的抗裂性能。有良好的焊接工艺性能。
Stainless; wet corrosion up to 300 °C (572 °F). High resistance
to hot cracking: goot toughness at high yield strength.
For joining and surfacing applications with matching/similar
steels/cast steel grades. For fabricating tough joints on
unalloyed/low alloy structural steels of higher strength, on high
manganese and CrNiMn steels, between dissimilar metals e.g.
between stainless or heat resistant and unalloyed/low alloy
steels/cast steel grades.
用途: 用于高碳钢、工具钢、高温钢、装甲钢、异种钢等的焊接。
DB-approved parent metals
X10Cr13 (1.4006), X120Mn12 (1.3401), S235, E295;
Useable for joint welding on limited weldable unalloyed and low alloyed
steels of higher strength. Used as stress relieved buffer layer
when cladding cold and warm machine tools. For joinings on high
manganese steel and CrNiMn steel, as well as for combinations on
steels of different chemical composition or strength.
熔敷金属化学成分(%)C Si Mn Cr Ni N
0.10 1.1 0.8 29.0 9.0 0.1
Heat- Yield strength Tensile Elongation Impact values
treatment 1.0% strength (L0=5d0) in J CVN
N/mm2 N/mm2 %
AW 500 750 20 25
联系人:李奎祥 先生 (总经理)
电 话:0158-22525955
传 真:015822525955
手 机:15822525955
地 址:中国天津河北区王串场津东里5号增14号
邮 编:300105
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