螺旋出渣机っ13685262969常州市武鸿锅炉辅机设备有限公司っCZX系列螺旋出渣机适用于无粘性的干粉物料和小颗粒物料,螺旋出渣机工作原理是利用带有螺旋叶片的螺旋轴的旋转,使物料产生沿螺旋面的相对运动,物料受到料槽或输送管壁的摩擦力作用与螺旋一起旋转,从而将物料轴向推进,实现物料的输送。CZX series spiral slag machine is suitable for non cohesive powder materials and small particles of material and working principle is with the rotation of the spiral shaft of the spiral blade, causes the material to produce relatively moving along the spiral surface materials by the trough or conveying pipe wall friction effects and spiral with rotation, so as to promote the axial material, material conveying.