刮板出渣机っ13685262969常州市武鸿锅炉辅机设备有限公司っ刮板出渣机可分为两种,SGB链节刮板出渣机该产品经各大电厂长期运行证明:刮板出渣机产品性能稳定、质量可靠。主要技术指标均达到国内外同类产品的先进水平,刮板出渣机产品设计与制造代表了国内同类产品的先进水平,完全可以替代进口产品。Scraper slag can be divided into two, the SGB chain scraper out the slag machine products by the large power plants run result proves: products stable performance, reliable quality. Major technical indicators have reached the advanced level of similar products at home and abroad, product design and manufacturing represents the advanced level of similar products in the country, can completely replace imported products.