言鼎会务的成功营运说明了本公司对市场细分后进行了产业战略调整,我们先后进行了平面广告宣传、多媒体广告投放、搜索引擎推广、市场调研以及大平台优化等强有力的措施。这一切都是为了一个目的,让我们的客户更容易获得言鼎会务提供的专业服务! 言鼎会务绍兴同声传译设备租赁公司专业从事数字会议、同声传译设备租赁/销售、同声传译译员培训/派遣、绍兴同声传译市场的调研和数据分析。同声传译是口译中的*高级别、难度*大的翻译工作,要保证在同声翻译的基础上把会议的主题和精髓展现给每一位参加会议的朋友,这不仅需要很强的口语能力,更是对同传经验有极高的要求。并且每一场会议所涉及的行业和领域各不相同,这就需要大量的同传译员做为人才储备。
绍兴言鼎会务同声传译服务公司,从培养译员到会场模拟,从涉外培训到现场观摩,我们用六年的时间打造了一支优秀的同传译员队伍。 绍兴言鼎会务同声传译设备可为您的会议和听众配备*先进的无线会议翻译设备、专用翻译间和多种视听工具。我们的同传工程师将参考会场的具体情况进行同声传译设备调试,确保每一位与会者都能享受到高品质的声效和试听效果。 言鼎会务会议服务公司拥有一支高水平的译员队伍,我们将根据同传会议的性质和行业领域,挑选具备相应背景的同传译员,以达到近似母语的同声传译环境。作为绍兴同声传译服务市场的知名品牌,言鼎会务更注重会议细节的分析和研究,截止目前,已成功的为绍兴地区的160多场会议提供了专业的同声翻译服务。
Senior Account Manager:洪伟(HongWei)
Yan Ding Conference services Co.,Ltd.
Thanks for visiting my post.we're willing to work with you.await you for calling. have a nice day.
A brief introduction of ShaoXing :
Zhejiang has many famous mountains and waters. Shaoxing has been admired since the past. The picturesque hills, with continuous mountains; The magnificent plains, with crisscrossed network of rivers. The crowded water villages, clear as mirrors. Some are tender and lovely. Some are mild and whispering. Some are vast and endless. It really goes to the old line: "Thousands of miles of clouds and thousands of miles of water, one is always touring in."
Early in Jin Dynasty, Gu Kaizhi, with an eye of great artist, highly praised the beauty of mountains and rivers in Guiji: "Thousands of rocks contend to be splendid and ten thousands of valleys contend to be flowing, bushes and trees above them, something like the clouds singing and dancing."
Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher, also greatly honored: "Walking along the Shanying, mountains and rivers go one by one, so many scenic things more than one can simply enjoy."
Shaoxing is a famous historical and cultural city. The lofty Mausoleum of King Yue at the foot of Mt. Guiji. Yue Wang Terrace at the foot of Mt. Longshan, old and strong. Rueye Stream, Gou Jian, King of Yue, casted the swords here. Mt. Qinwang, known as that Ying Zheng, King of Qin, watched the sea here while he was touring in the east. Old Residence of Qiu Jin, Hechang Hall, in the south of the city. Ancestors' Residence of Zhou Enlai, Hundred- Years-Old Hall. Facing all these historical sites, one will have the feeling of worship out of mind, on the past as well as the present.
"Wine Cups Floating Along the Stream" in Orchid Pavilion with long bamboos. Ponds and terrace in Sheng Garden, where Lu You mournfully chanted the poem "Chai Tou Feng". The Green Vine Study of Xu Wei. Hundred Grass Garden of Luxun. Everywhere one may enjoy oneself very much, dazzled and fascinated.
Shaoxing, the ancient city, is now undergoing a new age. The long historical and cultural traditions have been properly cherished and valued.
联系人:洪伟 先生 (项目部经理)
电 话:400-000-3435
传 真:0571-85364220
手 机:15950555126
地 址:中国浙江杭州市西湖区教工路316号双子大厦A-408
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