言鼎会务上海同声传译设备租赁公司是一家以提供同声翻译服务和国际文化交流活动为主的国际文化传播机构,下设高级翻译培训中心、同声传译中心、国际文化交流中心、专利翻译服务中心、口译服务中心、笔译处理中心等部门,在英国牛津大学、德国海德堡大学设有欧洲事务分理处,目前纽约、巴黎、东京等地正在筹建立海外分部,主要业务包括同声翻译服务、陪同口译服务、专利文献笔译服务、同声传译培训、国内外文化交流、会议服务等。 言鼎会务上海分公司在传统(口译、笔译)翻译行业中的市场份额为33.91%;在同传(同声翻译、同声传译)市场的份额高达57.62%。 言鼎会务的成功营运说明了本公司对市场细分后进行了产业战略调整,我们先后进行了平面广告宣传、多媒体广告投放、搜索引擎推广、市场调研以及大平台优化等强有力的措施。这一切都是为了一个目的,让我们的客户更容易获得言鼎会务提供的专业服务! 言鼎会务上海同声传译设备租赁公司专业从事数字会议、同声传译设备租赁/销售、同声传译译员培训/派遣、上海同声传译市场的调研和数据分析。同声传译是口译中的*高级别、难度*大的翻译工作,要保证在同声翻译的基础上把会议的主题和精髓展现给每一位参加会议的朋友,这不仅需要很强的口语能力,更是对同传经验有极高的要求。并且每一场会议所涉及的行业和领域各不相同,这就需要大量的同传译员做为人才储备。上海言鼎会务同声传译服务公司,从培养译员到会场模拟,从涉外培训到现场观摩,我们用六年的时间打造了一支优秀的同传译员队伍。
1) BOSCH 红外同传采用*新数字电子技术,在音质,信噪比,抗干扰方面,都远优先于其他品牌同传设备;
2) BOSCH 红外同传安装方便,简单,可大大节约会议布置时间;
3) BOSCH 红外同传由于红外线具有不可穿透性,具有很高的保密性;
4) BOSCH 红外同传采用可扩展性,*多可扩展到32种语言互译;
5) BOSCH 红外同传外观设计美观,符合人体工程学,目前市场正在普及,而布线方式同传将逐渐淡出市场。
6) BOSCH 同传系统作为飞利浦同传系统的更新换代产品在语言分配系统方面有了明显的改进,同传完全不受照明干扰,在高亮度日光下也可以正常使用,使听众接受到无失真的完美音质。
Senior Account Manager:洪伟(HongWei)
Yan Ding Conference services Co.,Ltd.
Thanks for visiting my post.we're willing to work with you.await you for calling. have a nice day.
A brief introduction of ShangHai :
ShangHai is an international city located at Latitude 31°14'N, Longitude East 121°29', lies in the front of 'Yangtze River Delta Area', where Yangtze River flows into East China Sea. Shanghai's original Chinese name, or its shortened name now using, called 'Hu', is from a fish catching tool's name also called 'Hu', a very delicate tool using tidal power(that was how it works:when the tide rises, fish swim beyond a board made of wood; when tide ebbs, and the water level descends below the board, fish is blocked by the board and cannot swim back. Then fishermen will be able to catch those trapped fish). That's all about its origin, then I'm going to tell you about Shanghai's transportation system and its communication with other countries and cities. Shanghai's inner transportation system includes: inner, middle, outer flyover rings, subways, magnetic-suspended trains and buses. The MagLEV train needs only 7 minutes to travel through 30 kilometers and is capable to reach the top speed of 431 km/h! Talking about the international and inter-metropolitan communication, what I have to introduce are: YangShan deep water port, Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Huangpu River. Why the YangShan deep water port­ Because formerly Shanghai wasn't able to accommodate those ships which have drafts of deep water, and this greatly limited the development of Shanghai(some import cargo ships cannot unload at Shanghai). Now with the YangShan deep water port, import and export ships can load and unload freely, without thinking about the depth. According to the survey held by the Industrial and Commercial Administration of China, YangShan deep water port has made a great contribution to both the GDP of Shanghai and China. And we can never emphasize air transportation too much, so there comes the Pudong International Airport. Every day the airport sends thousands of flights to elsewhere and also receives thousands of airplanes, air traffic there is pretty heavy. It's making infinite commercial chances for China, and also supports the tourism of Shanghai. Now let's move on to the river net in Shanghai. Huangpu River is a tributary of Yangtze River which flows all the way through Shanghai, and gives Shanghainese a great way of going out by ship: Huangpu River leads to Yangtze River and makes aqua-transportation easier. That's all about Shanghai, if you want to know more, come and visit Shanghai!
联系人:洪伟 先生 (项目部经理)
电 话:400-000-3435
传 真:0571-85364220
手 机:15950555126
地 址:中国浙江杭州市西湖区教工路316号双子大厦A-408
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