WIKA IUT-10 IUT-11 通用型压力变送器 UNITRANS
接口尺寸: G1/2(mm) 加工定制: 是
防护等级: IP65 测量范围: 0-600bar(kPa)
类型: 陶瓷型压力变送器 防爆等级: EEx ia II C T5 / T6
型号: IUT-10 IUT-11 测量介质: 液体 气体
精度等级: 0.1 品牌: WIKA/威卡
输出信号: 4-20(mA) 电源电压: 10-30(V)
WIKA IUT-10 IUT-11 通用型压力变送器
UNITRANS 本安型 平嵌隔膜
Intrinsically safe universal transmitter
for hazardous environments
Model IUT-10 and IUT-11
Fig. left Pressure transmitter IUT-11 (flush)
Fig. right Pressure transmitter IUT-10 with display
Process engineering
Chemical engineering
Plant construction
Special features
Explosion protection EEx ia IIC T6 acc. to ATEX and CSA
For the use in hazardous environments:
gases and mists: zone 1, zone 2 and connection to zone 0
dust: zone 21, zone 22 and connection to zone 20
High measuring accuracy
Scaleable measuring ranges via Turn down of up to 1:20
Configuration via DTM (Device Type Manager) according
to the FDT (Field Device Tool) - concept
(e.g. PACTware) oder SIMATIC PDM
Fully welded, stainless steel diaphragm
With its maximal 1 : 20 turndown ratio the UniTrans can be used in many different applications. This turndown ratio eliminates the necessity of keeping several transmitters in stock; it is much easier to turn down the transmitter instead of changing transmitters (e.g. a 100 bar transmitter can be turned down to 5 bar). As IS - pressure transmitter the
UniTrans can perfectly meet the hardest requirements of industrial pressure measurement. It is approved by the high grade CENELEC certificate complying with the ATEX and CSA approval.
High measuring accuracy
The internal, digital signal processing allows for high measuring accuracy at fast measuring rates and pressure ranges from 20 mbar to 4000 bar.
Multifunctional display
The optional display can be adjusted mechanically and electronically, thus guaranteeing many display variations and an optimal reading from different directions. Bargraph and trend are permanently displayed.
Only a minor modification of the case is required in order to be able to read the display from above. All standard units can be displayed. Two further lines are available for entering additional text (e.g. min./max. values or temperature at the
With the easy-to-use menu, the user can set parameters such as language, unit, zero poin, span or inverted signal.
The displayed language for transmitters with HART®-
Communication is always English (other languages through configuration software).
The UniTrans also offers the possibility of a tank linearisation with up to 32 holding points.
Power Supply
The UniTrans is fed via intrinsically safe line transformers (e.g WIKA Model KFD2-STC4-Ex1) or via standard barriers with an input power of 12 ... 30 V. The output signal is 4 ... 20 mA, 2-wire system.
Dimensions in mm
Wiring details
欢迎致电咨询订购WIKA IUT-10 IUT-11 通用型压力变送器 UNITRANS 本安型 平嵌隔膜
电话:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293
QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574
公司官网:http://www.zoriver.cn http://www.zoriver.com.cn
联系人:仇立新 先生 (销售工程师)
电 话:010-56291930
传 真:010-51669912
手 机:15910733293
地 址:中国北京丰台区北京市丰台区成寿寺路关家坑206号
邮 编:100078
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