WIKA A-AI-1 A-IAI-1 带LED附加式数显仪 输出4-2
接口尺寸: G1/2(mm) 加工定制: 是
防护等级: IP65 测量范围: -1999-9999(kPa)
类型: 数字压力变送器 防爆等级: Ex version II 2G Ex ia/ib IIC/IIB T4
型号: A-AI-1 A-IAI-1 测量介质: 液体 气体
精度等级: 0.2 品牌: WIKA/威卡
输出信号: 4-20(mA) 电源电压: 10-30(V)
带LED附加式数显仪 输出4-20mA 防爆保护
Attachable indicator for transmitters
Model A-AI-1, standard version
Model A-IAI-1, Ex version
Attachable indicator model A-AI-1
Plant construction
Machine tools
Test benches
Level measurement
General industrial applications
Special features
Indication range: -1999 ... 9999
Attachable to transmitter with 4 ... 20 mA output and angular connector to DIN 175301-803 A
Scalable on-site without external tools
Ingress protection IP 65
Ex version II 2G Ex ia/ib IIC/IIB T4 (model A-IAI-1)
The model A-AI-1 and A-IAI-1 attachable indicators are the ideal solution for an on-site display with simultaneous signal transmission.
Due to its open programmability and easy installation, even for transmitters already in service, the attachable indicator can be easily and quickly added without difficulty. An additional power supply is not necessary.
The instrument is configured using three buttons which are located under the front cover. A logically-structured menu guides the operator through all the necessary programming steps using simple characters on the LCD panel. It is possible to set the indication range and both offset and slope adjustment.
In addition, if required, a filter can be activated and set in various stages. The filter suppresses short spikes and thus enables the easy readability of the display.
All programmed parameters are stored in an EEPROM and are preserved in the event of power outage.
The A-IAI-1 attachable indicator has been developed specifically for use in hazardous areas. This attachable indicator can be combined with Ex transmitters and also with an Ex transmitter power supply or an Ex galvanic isolator and thus
enabling its use in Zone 1 areas.
The attachable indicator has its own integrated self-diagnostics, which continuously monitors that the key components of the device are working properly. The integrated self-diagnostics, as well as the reporting of an over-range or under-range condition, ensure high operational safety.
With its robust and compact plastic case, the attachable indicator fulfills the ingress protection IP 65 and is thus exceptionally suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.
Attachable indicator model A-AI-1
Attachable indicator model A-IAI-1, Ex version
Dimensions in mm Electrical connection
Order No.
Model Order No.
A-AI-1, standard version 7082534
A-IAI-1, version with explosion protection (II 2G Ex ia/ib IIC/IIB T4) 7148512
欢迎致电咨询订购WIKA A-AI-1 A-IAI-1 带LED附加式数显仪 输出4-20mA 防爆保护
电话:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293
QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574
公司官网:http://www.zoriver.com http://www.zoriver.com.cn
联系人:仇立新 先生 (销售工程师)
电 话:010-56291930
传 真:010-51669912
手 机:15910733293
地 址:中国北京丰台区北京市丰台区成寿寺路关家坑206号
邮 编:100078
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