
联系人:张鹏 先生 (项目总监)




提供The 30th East China Fair |2021 ECF



The 25 ECF will be held on March 1, 2015 to 5 in Shanghai New International Expo Center. When the exhibition area of 115000 square meters, more than 5800 standard booths,still set light textile and clothing exhibition. ECF mainly in import and export trade, will also make arrangements for processing trade, cooperation and other trade negotiations. Invitesparticipants, inside and outside to visit, negotiate. 2015 shanghai ECF,2015 ECF,Mr.zhang
The Shanghai ECF products classification:
Clothing exhibition: With all kinds of garments, apparel fabrics, fashionaccessories, garment accessories etc.
Home Textile Exhibition: Including bedding, room, bathroom textiles textiles, kitchen textiles, textile raw materials and fabrics, yarns, drawnwork product etc.;
Decorative gift Exhibition: With all kinds of gifts, handicrafts, ornaments, basketry, garden supplies, pet supplie


联系人:张鹏 先生 (项目总监)
电 话:021-15821106-898
传 真:021-61200956
手 机:15821106898
地 址:中国上海闵行区莲花南路1951号格兰大厦
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