申请FDA报备所需资料清单: FDA—LASER PRODUCTS 镭射产品1.Instruction manual 说明书2. Circuit diagram 电路图3. Specification of pick-up unit (including the range of wave length) 机芯规格书,激光波长范围4. Laser path diagram 光路图5. Marking label 铭牌标签6. Specification controls for critical components 关键元件检查参数控制7. Manufacture and assembly control procedure 生产装配控制流程8. QC inspection and testing control procedure QC品保检测控制流程9. Assembly and test traveler forms 装配及测试流通表格10. Inspection and test reports and checklists 工厂内激光检查,检测报告11. Life and endurance test records 整机寿命测试(如耐久性/环境测试)情况记录(记录包括含测试方法及对外壳尺寸变形度/机械强度/元部件连接可靠性的检查)12. Two complete sample 两台整机样品13. Agent美国代理人协议书14.agent (名称,地址,联系方式,联系人)15. Importer (进口商名称,地址,联系人)16. 工厂内光学仪器校准证书
其他详细资料联系 黄翠幼 15013546286 QQ:499823934