Characterization Waterbased aliphatic blockedpolyisocyanate.
In combination with Bayhydrol®polyols, Imprafix® IO 3388 Dispersion can be used for the formulation of water-reducible, lightfast one-component polyurethanebakingcoatingsandasanadditiveinwaterbornebakingsystems to improve flexibility, impact strength andadhesion.
Formsupplied approx. 45%
Property Value Unitofmeasurement Method
Non-volatile content (0.9 - 1.1g/1h/105°C, convectionoven)
44-46 % DIN EN ISO3251
Flow time at 23 °C, 4mmcup 10-30 s AFAM2008/10503
pHvalue 7-9 DIN ISO976
Other data*
Property Value Unitofmeasurement Method
NCO content (blocked, calculated on solid resin)
12.5 %
*These values provide general information and are not part of the product specification.
Storage - Storage in original sealed Covestrocontainer.
- Recommended storage temperature: 5 - 30°C.
- Protect from frost, heat and foreignmaterial.
General information : The product can not be used if it has been frozen.
Storagetime Covestro represents that, for a period of six months following the day of shipment as stated in the respective transport documents, the product will meet the specifications or values set forth in section "specifications or characteristicdata"above,whateverisapplicable,providedthattheproductis storedinfullcompliancewiththestorageconditionssetforthinandreferenced under section "storage" above and is otherwise handledappropriately.
Thelapseofthesixmonthsperioddoesnotnecessarilymeanthattheproduct no longer meets specifications or the set values. However, prior to using said product, Covestro recommends to test such a product if it still meets the specifications or the set values. Covestro does not make any representation regarding the product after the lapse of the six months period and Covest