供应药用树脂(药品辅料) Tulsion® 335 , 339 ,343
苦味剂 最常选用的型号是 : Tulsion® 335 , 339 , 343 药效缓释剂 最常选用的型号是 : Tulsion® 344 降胆固醇药剂 最常选用的型号是 : Tulsion® 412 降低血中钾,K,含量剂 最常选用的型号是 : Tulsion® 345 杜笙树脂 有4种关于制药业配方的应用。 TULSION® resins find a number of applications as Excipients in Pharmaceutical Formulations . 应用 / Applications 杜笙树脂于药品的应用大致可以分为以下4大类别 : The use in pharmaceutical formulations can be classified under one of the following four categories <味道包覆剂> – 一些药物含有苦味 ,可用杜笙交换树脂来吸收此苦味而相对比较没苦味。人的口中及胃的酸碱值 (pH)大约是在相同的范围 ,因此药品不会在口中溶解而只在胃里溶解。因此,当药经过口中时 ,药品的结构仍处于错化物,没有任何的味道被释出。不同的树脂选择来包含苦味,取决于药品特性 (请连络我们以取得更详细资料)。 – Certain drugs that have a very bitter taste can be made relatively tasteless by adsorbing the drugs on Tulsion Exchange Resins . The pH in the mouth being on the basic side compared to the pH in the stomach , the complex drug will not be released in the mouth but only in the stomach. Since while passing through the mouth the drug remains in the complex form , none or very little taste is imparted. The nature of resin used is dependent upon the type of drug being masked (please contact us for more details). <药片溶解剂> - 为了确保一旦药片摄入,能提供所需的药物。一样的药片剂,一样的迅速溶解是可以达到的。外用试剂添加到药片配方,以确保药片溶解。TULSION®树脂可被当成是药剂溶解剂。这是由于树脂会比树脂处于氢﹑钾的 “Polacrilin钾” 树脂的形式容易膨胀,因而成为在这个应用程序的首选形式树脂。 – In order to ensure that once a tablet is ingested , the desired drug is delivered . It is desirable that the tablet disintegrates uniformly and quickly. External agents are added to a tablet formulation to ensure the disintegration. TULSION® resins ca be used as a disintegrating agent. This is due to the fact that the resin will swell than the resin in hydrogen form , Potassium form of the resin “Polacrilin Potassium” is preferred in this applications. (北京华豫清源国际贸易有限公司 杜笙离子交换树脂 13269232873) <药效持续释放> -缓释剂是要确保药物不断的 ,慢慢的,但稳定的速度被释放到身体。药剂从离子交换树脂释放是取决于身体内不同液体与药品及树脂错化物之间的反应来决定。对药物的释放速度可通过改变控制粒子的大小,树脂交联的程度及树脂的化学性质。此种持续性的释放药效配方是可以依照不同的应用而量身订作的。 – Sustained release formulations ensure that the drug is released continuously into the body at a slower , but steady rate. The release of durgs from ion exchange resins depends upon a series of ionic reactions between various body fluids and drug – resin complex . The rate of release of drugs can be controlled by varying the particle size , degree of cross-linking and the chemistry of resin. The release profile can almost be tailor made to suit a particular application. <药效稳定药物> - 例如药物,维生素B – 12的存储时,经过一段时间会慢慢分解。此类药物的稳定可藉由使用TULSION®树脂来达成。 – Drugs for instance, Vitamin B-12 when stored , degenerate after some time. The stabilization of such drugs can be brought about using Tulsion resins. TULSION®杜笙树脂是经过美国药品管理局认证通过 ,并具有 ISO 9001 及ISO 14001 的品质认证。 FDA Approved ISO 9001 : 2000 ISO 14001 《各型号选择》 包装: 如需更详细型录及技术资料 , 请与我们连络