Romantic August, Decent, etched stainless steel handles, shock struck! Allows you to dizzying, so your satisfaction extraordinary,Hardware Products Factory Foshan XinTa production of stainless steel etched handle,Has the perfect craftsmanship, elegant and outstanding design and consecutively promoted quality. Classic sofa is popular and wins the honor both at home and overseas.Etched stainless steel handle tasting blend of beauty, and its shape is unique, in a concise, fluent lines, Portraying the elegant taste, invite you to share with exquisite life.
佛山鑫踏不锈钢蚀刻拉手工艺是在不锈钢拉手上通过化学的方法,腐蚀出各种花纹图案。进行蚀刻处理后在着色或上漆,对不锈钢拉手再进行深加工,可进行局部的和纹,拉丝,嵌金,局部钛金等各式复杂工艺处理,实现图案明暗相间,色彩绚丽的效果。铝板花纹雕刻拉手表面耐腐蚀性、耐磨性比普通不锈钢强,能抵御10年以上的盐雾腐蚀和20年以上紫外光照射不变色。主体与着色层一体化。蚀刻拉手的优点是视觉美观、品质优良、易清洁、免维护、抗击、抗压、抗刮痕及不留手指印 。
Foshan XinTa Etched stainless steel handle process is a stainless steel handle by chemical methods,Corrosion kinds of patterns,Etching treatment after coloring or painting, stainless steel handle for further processing, can be partial and patterns, drawing, inlaid with gold, titanium and other kinds of complicated process, and pattern of light and dark, colorful effect. Aluminum pattern carved handle surface corrosion, abrasion than ordinary stainless steel is strong, can withstand more than 10 years and 20 years of salt spray corrosion UV irradiation does not change color. Body with colored layer integration.The advantage is etched handle visual appearance, high quality, easy to clean, maintenance-free, fight, compression, anti-scratch and does not leave fingerprints.
1、产品优势:产品美观大方,耐腐蚀强, 造型时尚典雅,组装方便,具有很强的艺术性、装饰性、使用性.是现代家居装饰首选. 2、适用范围:房地产开发公司、装饰公司、建筑工程、 现代化大型宾馆、饭店、体育馆、办公大楼.私人别墅.栏河栏杆等. 3、包装方式:珍珠棉,纸箱包装. 4、发货方式:临近物流中心,与各大物流公司合作,发货方便快捷,价格合理
联系人:谭媛 女士 (销售)
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地 址:中国广东佛山市石肯一村西工业区二号
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