CAMPUS® datasheet | Delrin® 100P NC010
This datasheet of Delrin® 100P NC010 from DuPont Engineering Polymers is provided by the international plastics database CAMPUS.
This datasheet includes:
流变性能 - 机械性能 - 热性能 - 电性能 - 其它性能 - 流变计算用参数 - 函数
Delrin® 100P NC010 | POM | DuPont Engineering Polymers 材料文字说明
ISO 9988: POM-H,MNR,1-2
Common features of Delrin® acetal resin include mechanical and physical properties such as high mechanical strength and rigidity, excellent fatigue and impact resistance, as well as resistance to moisture, gasoline, lubricants, solvents and many other neutral chemicals. Delrin® acetal resins also have excellent dimensional stability and good electrical insulating characteristics. They are naturally resilient, self-lubricating and available in a variety of colours and speciality grades.
The good melt stability of Delrin® acetal resin normally enables the recycling of properly handled production waste. If recycling is not possible, DuPont recommends, as the preferred option, incineration with energy recovery (-17 kJ/g of base polymer) in appropriately equipped installations. For disposal, local regulations have to be observed.
Delrin® acetal resin typically is used in demanding applications in the automotive, domestic appliances, sports, industrial engineering, electronics and consumer goods industries.
Delrin® 100P is an unreinforced, high viscosity acetal homopolymer for injection molding. It provides maximum toughness without modification, has improved processing thermal stability for low deposit molding in demanding processing conditions.
Design guide
Food compliance:
Specific statement for EU available
Typical applications:
Moulded parts, such as highly loaded gears, plain bearings and snap-fits.
流变性能 价值 单位 测试标准
熔体体积流动速度, MVR 1.9 cm³/10min ISO 1133
温度 190 °C ISO 1133
载荷 2.16 kg ISO 1133
模塑收缩率, 平行 2.1 % ISO 294-4, 2577
模塑收缩率, 垂直 1.9 % ISO 294-4, 2577
机械性能 价值 单位 测试标准
拉伸模量 2900 MPa ISO 527-1/-2
屈服应力 70 MPa ISO 527-1/-2
屈服伸长率 25 % ISO 527-1/-2
名义断裂伸长率 45 % ISO 527-1/-2
拉伸蠕变模量, 1h 2700 MPa ISO 899-1
拉伸蠕变模量, 1000h 1500 MPa ISO 899-1
无缺口简支梁冲击强度, +23°C N kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
无缺口简支梁冲击强度, -30°C 350 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
简支梁缺口冲击强度, +23°C 14 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
简支梁缺口冲击强度, -30°C 11 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
热性能 价值 单位 测试标准
熔融温度, 10°C/min 179 °C ISO 11357-1/-3
热变形温度, 1.80 MPa 95 °C ISO 75-1/-2
热变形温度, 0.45 MPa 160 °C ISO 75-1/-2
维卡软化温度, 50°C/h 50N 160 °C ISO 306
线性热膨胀系数, 平行 110 E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2
线性热膨胀系数, 垂直 110 E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2
1.5mm名义厚度时的燃烧性 HB class IEC 60695-11-10
测试用试样的厚度 1.5 mm IEC 60695-11-10
UL注册 UL - -
厚度为h时的燃烧性 HB class IEC 60695-11-10
测试用试样的厚度 0.8 mm IEC 60695-11-10
UL注册 UL - -
燃烧性-氧指数 17 % ISO 4589-1/-2
电性能 价值 单位 测试标准
相对介电常数., 100Hz 3.8 - IEC 60250
相对介电常数., 1MHz 3.7 - IEC 60250
介质损耗因子, 100Hz 200 E-4 IEC 60250
介质损耗因子, 1MHz 40 E-4 IEC 60250
体积电阻率 1E12 Ohm*m IEC 60093
表面电阻率 >1E15 Ohm IEC 60093
介电强度 32 kV/mm IEC 60243-1
相对漏电起痕指数 600 - IEC 60112
其它性能 价值 单位 测试标准
吸水性 1.4 % 类似ISO 62
吸湿性 0.3 % 类似ISO 62
密度 1420 kg/m³ ISO 1183
流变计算用参数 价值 单位 测试标准
熔体密度 1170 kg/m³ -
熔体 0.22 W/(m K) -
熔体的比热 3000 J/(kg K) -