This product is a compound enhanced acidifier made from a variety of organic acids and other effective constituents, capable of promoting animal prowth and development, improving productivity, and reducing PH valuse of gstrointestinal tract. It is also a new growth promoter capable of providing the most suitable digestion environment for animals and reducing diarrhea.
Ingredients: Ingredients:Iactic acid, citric acid, calcium formate, excipient fluidity and sour taste.
Physical & Chemical Character: with powder with a good
1. 可调节畜禽胃肠道PH值,抑制病原菌的生长繁殖,调节微生态环境,防止病原性下痢。
2. 酸化剂是强化复合有机酸组成,可有效溶解饲料组分,提高饲料消化率。
3. 有一定的防霉、抗氧化和抗应激作用,缓解夏季高热应激所导致的呼吸性碱中毒。
4. 有良好的流动性,天然的微酸味,可改善饲料的适口性,增强诱食效果,对饲料无副作用,用量少,使用成本低,是理想的饲料酸味调节剂。
1. It can regulate the PH value of gstrointestinal tracts, prevent growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, anjust the microecological environment, and protect against pathogenic diarrhea.
2. The enhanced compound organic acid it contains can effectively dissolve feed’s ingredients and raise the rate of digestion.
3. It has a function of mould proofing, oxidation resistance, and anti-stimulus and can relieve the respiratory alkalosis caused by intense heat in summer.
4. It has a good fluidity and natrual slightly-sour taste, capable of improving feed flavor and stimulating animal’s appetite. It has no side effect on feeds and will not produce a high cost to users. It is an ideal sourness modifier for feeds.
Recommended Dose:mix this product with a little feed raw material first, and then mix them with feeds:
类别 用量(kg/t) 类别 用量(kg/t)
哺乳仔猪 1.5~3.0 断奶仔猪 1.5~2.5
中大猪 1.0~2.0 种猪 1.5~2.0
畜禽 1.0~2.5 小牛 1.0~2.5
兔子 1.0~2.5 各种动物治疗用量 5.0
Recommended Dose:
Category Dose(kg/t) Category Dose(kg/t)
Suckling pig 1.5~3.0 Weanling pig 1.5~2.5
Middle-size and grown-up pig 1.0~2.0 Boar 1.5~2.0
Poultry 1.0~2.5 Calf 1.0~2.5
Rabbit 1.0~2.5 Dose for treatment 5.0
Attention: keep in a shady, cool, and dry place. Use as soon as possible after unpacking.
Quality Guarantee: 18 Months
Packaging Specification: in woven bags, 25kg/bag.