UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) 美国商标注册A. Costs Estimate For Trade Marks Application in USA美国商标注册申请费用(for one trade mark per class & for simple straightforward application)(Prevailing exchange rate of USD t o HKD is USD 1= HKD 7.7, rounded up to nearest HKD dollar)HKD USDⅠ。SEARCH 查询(Optional 非必须的)Availability Search (One mark one class):综合的查询及报告(一个商标一个类别)a)On-line Availability Search (Optional but recommended) ,000 0b) Words search 字形查询 ,000 0c) Logo search-图案查询 ,500 4申请前查询的作用是找出类似或相同并对申请有影响的已申请/注册的商标。此费用包括在商标注册署进行商标查询﹑分析和报告查询结果以及提供建议。
Multi-class search-each additional class of the same mark 每多一个类别收费 0
Fees consists of conducting the search at the Patent & Trade Mark Office, reviewing and reporting the search results with advice on registration.
(Full U.S. and Canadian search include USPTO data base, common law, state, domain names, business directories, relevant trade journals, Internet searches)
Ⅱ. FILING OF APPLICATION 申请费 用(for one trademark one class 一个商标一个类别) ,500 ,104
Multi-class application-each additional class of the same mark ,000 ,039每多一个类别收费
(Fees consists of preparing and handing of the required Power of Attorney Document, filing the application and reporting the status of filing particulars, acceptance and advertisement of the application (for opposition purposes), publication and registration fees, obtaining and forwarding the Certificate of Registration.)此费用包括准备和处理必须的授权书文件、协助申请人选择申请类别﹑准备和提交申请、缴付官方费用以及报告申请资料﹑报告公告的许可通知﹑办理公告事宜﹑报告获准注册
联系人:唐小姐 女士 (经理)
电 话:0755-88361225
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手 机:13715116336
地 址:中国广东深圳市 广东省深圳市宝安13区宝民一路宝通大厦24楼2412室(107国道裕安路口)
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