输出功率(Working power)
风速2m/s------- 1.5 W (Wind speed:2m/s------- 1.5 W )
风速4m/s------- 10 W(wind speed:4m/s--------10W)
风速7m/s------- 80 W(wind speed:7m/s-----------80W)
风速8m/s------- 100 W (Wind speed:8m/s------- 100 W )
风速9m/s------- 150 W (Wind speed:9m/s------- 150 W )
风速10m/s------ 200 W (Wind speed:10m/s------- 200W )
风速12m/s------ 250 W(Wind speed:12m/s------- 250W )
风速15m/s以上-- 350 W(Wind speed:15m/s------- 350W )
注:风速超过15m/s启动 电子超速刹车系统。(when the wind speed is higer than 15m/s, the braked system would startup)
技术参数 (Specifciation)
起动风速1(m/s)((Started wind speed: 1(m/s)
额定风速 12(m/s) Rated wind speed: 12(m/s)
切入风速 2(m/s) Cut-in wind speed 2(m/s)
额定电压 12V/24V(AC)Rated voltage: 12V/24V(AC)
额定功率 200W--300W( Rated power: 200W--300W)
*大功率 400(W)(Maximum power: 400(W))
风叶直径 1(m)(The slice’s diamter of fan :1(m))
风叶数量 6(pcs) Fan’s slice quantity:6(pcs)
安全风速 40(m/s) Safe wind speed: 40(m/s)
整机重量 7.5(kg)Net Weight 7.5(kg)
大风保护 泄荷及电磁制动
电机*高温升 额定负载 85℃ (Working pre-load temperature: 85℃)
工作温度 -20℃至40℃ (Working temperature -20℃~~~~40℃)
使用环境(Working atmosphere:_
温度:风力发电机为-20~+85℃(Controller woking temperature -20~+85℃)
湿度:风力发电机为≤90%( Controller working humidity:≤90%)
海拔高度:≤4500m(额定工况海拔高度为1000m)(altitude:≤4500m(working altitude≤1000)
*大风速:≤35m/s,瞬间*大风速≤50m/s(Maximum wind speed:≤35m/s,instant wind speed≤50m/s)
风力发电机安装高度:3.5m~13m(Controller’s installlemnt’s height :3.5m~13m)
联系人:温常伟 先生 (业务经理)
电 话:13380980938
传 真:0750-3782169
手 机:13380980938
地 址:中国广东江门市江门市江海区江海四路1号
邮 编:529080
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