供应DW016A DW017B磁带机
低价出售DW016A DW017B磁带机 ,欢迎来电来邮咨询订购,扣扣1525044937
IBM ts tape library
TS3100 with one 8144 tape drive refurbished
TS3200 without tape drive refurbished
TS3310 without tape drive refurbished
IBM tape drive
3588-F4A tape drive Ultrium 4 fc for 3584 refurbished
3588-F3B tape drive Ultrium 3 for 3584 refurbished
3592-E05 TS1120 refurbished
3576-8042 tape drive Ultrium 3 fc for TS3310 refurbished
3576-8142 tape drive Ultrium 4 fc for TS3310 refurbished
3573-8043 tape drive Ultrium 3 scsi for TS3100 refurbished
3573-8044 tape drive Ultrium 3 fc for TS3100 refurbished
3573-8144 tape drive Ultrium 4 fc for TS3100 refurbished
3582-8103 LTO Ultrium 2 LVD Drive refurbished
3582-8105 LTO Ultrium Gen 2 Fibre Drive refurbished
3582-8035 LTO3 Fibre Drive refurbished
3582-8033 LTO3 scsi refurbished
3583-8103 Ultrium 2 SCSI LVD DRIVE refurbished
3583-8105 Ultrium 2 FIBRE DRIVE refurbished
3583-8033 Ultrium 3 SCSI LVD DRIVE refurbished
3583-8035 Ultrium 3 FIBRE DRIVE refurbished
Other old IBM tape library and tape drive
3583 with two 8105 lto2 fc drive refurbished
3582 with one 8035 lto3 fc drive refurbished
3581-f28 FC refurbished
3581-l38 SCSI refurbished
3580-l33 External refurbished
3580-h23 External refurbished
3580-h11 External refurbished
3580-l23 External refurbished
3580-l11 External refurbished
3580-L13 External refurbished
7206-336 DDS5, external refurbished
6258 DDS5, internal refurbished
IBM san switch
2498-B24 8-port activation refurbished
2498-B24 16-port activation refurbished
2005-B16 4-port activation refurbished
2005-B16 8-port activation refurbished
5415 HDD for DS4700, 300g fc 15k OEM
39M5697 5m Fiber Optic Cable LC-LC OEM
39M5698 25m Fiber Optic Cable LC-LC OEM
39R6475 4Gb SFP OEM
AH164A HP 1/8 Ultrium 448 G2 Tape Autoloader new
AH165A HP 1/8 Ultrium 920 G2 Tape Autoloader new
Q1522B HP StorageWorks DAT 72 Internal Drive refurbished
Q1523B HP StorageWorks DAT 72 External Drive refurbished
DW016A HP Ultrium 448 Internal Tape Drive refurbished
DW017B HP Ultrium 448 External Tape Drive refurbished
EH854A HP Ultrium 1840 SCSI External Tape Drive refurbished
IBM3576-8342驱动器现货供应2498-B24 337699-B21 磁带机供应Q1522B Q1523B磁带机供应3573-8144,3573-8043磁带机,磁带库供应Brocade 6505系列光纤交换机供应DW016A DW017B磁带机供应IBM 3588-F6A TS1060驱动器供应3580-L11 3580-L13 磁带机供应brocade G620供Brocade 6510系列光纤交换机UL牌 BRSLA-1201-DC现货供应供应3588-F4A/3588-F3A,3592-E05 驱动器供应Brocade G610交换机供应3581-H17,3581-L23,3581-L17自动加载机供应IBM ds4700,DS4800,DS5020,DS4300,供应IBM TS2240 tape drive磁带机供应TS3310 广州直销供应3580-L11,3580-L33,3580-H23,3580L43供应3592-E05,3588-F5A F3B供应Ts3100,Ts3200,Ts3310磁带库
联系人:曹小姐 女士 (外贸业务员)
电 话:020-38839372
传 真:020-38839372
手 机:13418141384
地 址:中国广东广州市天河北路906号高科大厦A2003室
邮 编:510000
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