
宇索化工源自德国,专业经营特种化工产品的公司,并且拥有自己的产品技术及产品系列。其主要产品是各工业清洗剂、电子清洗剂、切削液、润滑油、添加剂、金属加工液、防锈剂、及其它工业用特种润滑剂。随着业务的发展宇索化工近年来也在积极开拓亚洲,尤其是中国的市场。 于是与2010年注册上海巨勃实业有限公司,负责中国的产品技术服务与市场经营工作。宇索化工除拥有丰富的特种化工产品的应用经验之外,还形成了具有自己的技术的产品系列。每一个产品都是公司技术人员与客户成功合作的结果。宇索化工一贯的宗旨是,客户及市场的需求是我们引进新产品的原动力。我们也一直遵循这种原动力为我们的客户进行服务,为市场寻找及开发更好的产品。我们相信,我们的努力将会在产品的性能及降低生产成本两方面给我们的客户带来便利。
021-67632688 13701834653
About us
YUSOL Chemical is a German specialty chemicals business a professional company and has its own product technology and product line. Its main products are various industrial cleaning agents, electronic cleaning agents, cutting fluids, lubricating oil additives, metalworking fluids, rust inhibitor, and other industrial specialty lubricants. With the development of business-woo claims are also actively developing chemical industry in recent years, in Asia, particularly China market. So with the 2010 registration of Shanghai Ju- Bo Industrial Co., Ltd., is responsible for China's products and technical services and market management work.
YUSOL chemical addition has extensive experience in the application of specialty chemical products, he also formed with its own technology products. Each product is the technical staff of the results of successful cooperation with customers.
YUSOL chemical principle is the customer and market demand is the driving force behind the introduction of new products. We also have been guided by such a driving force for our customers to service, for the market to find and develop better products. We believe that our efforts will be in the product's performance and lower production costs, both to bring convenience to our customers.
021-67632688 13701834653
联系人:张军 先生 (经理)
电 话:021-67632688
传 真:021-67698008
手 机:13701834653
地 址:中国上海松江区九亭镇涞寅路1025号
邮 编:201615
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