
联系人:杨女士 女士 (主任)







Jerguson, a division of Clark-Reliance, manufactures and supports liquid level gage glasses, magnetic level gages, liquid level switches and transmitters for a variety of liquid processes and applications. 石家庄仓粒能源科技有限公司is proud to be the exclusive regional representative of Jerguson products in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
Glass Level Gages
Jerguson Series 20 Medium Pressure Glass Liquid Level Gages
Level Switches
Jerguson DC Series Top-Mount Displacer-Operated Magnetic Level Switch
Jerguson JBC and JXC Series Displacer-Operated Magnetic Level Switches
Jerguson JBC and JXC Series Float-Operated Magnetic Level Switches
Jerguson MLS Side-Mounted Magnetic Switches for Liquid Levels
Jerguson MRS Side-Mounted Reed Switch for Liquid Levels
Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson Magnicator® II Magnetic Level Gage for Liquids and Gases
Jerguson Magnicator II MGWR Level Gage with Guided Wave Radar Transmitter
Jerguson Flashproof Magnicator® II Magnetic Level Gages for Boiling Fluids
Safety Ballcheck Valves
Jerguson 70BL and 70XL Ballcheck Valves for Armored Glass Level Gages
Jerguson 360 Series Safety Ballcheck Valves for Armored Glass Level Gages
Jerguson MTII-4200 Magnetostrictive Transmitter for Magnicator II
Jerguson NightStar LED Illuminators for Magnetic Level Gages
Jerguson® LumaStar™ LED Illuminators for Glass Level Gage


联系人:杨女士 女士 (主任)
电 话:0311-66562231
传 真:0311-66562231
手 机:0311-66562231
地 址:中国河北石家庄市长安区银龙小区
邮 编:050000
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