
联系人:朱经理 先生 (市场部)







权威办理BIFMA认证费用找 朱先生 手机/微信 18823767447


1 ANSI/BIFMA X5.1 - 2011 Office chairs : tests 办公椅测试

2 ANSI/BIFMA X5.3 - 2007 Vertical files - tests 文件柜测试(深度>宽度)

3 ANSI/BIFMA X5.4 - 2012 Lounge and Public Seating - Tests

4 ANSI/BIFMA X5.5 - 2008 Desk/table products - tests 桌子测试

5 ANSI/BIFMA X5.6 - 2010 Panel systems - tests 屏风系统测试

6 ANSI/BIFMA X5.9 - 2004 Storage Unit - Tests 储存单元测试方法

7 ANSI/SOHO S6.5 - 2008 Small office/home office furniture - tests SOHO家具测试

EN Office Furniture (欧洲办公家具)

1 EN 1335-1-2000 Office furniture - office work chair - Part 1: Determinations of dimensions 办公家具 - 办公椅 - 尺寸要求

2 EN 1335-2-2009 office furniture - office work chair - safety requirements & EN 1335 - 3 office furniture - office work chair - test method 办公家具 - 办公椅 - 安全要求和测试方法

3 BS EN 1335-3: 2009 Office furniture-office work chair - part 3:test methods

4 BS 5459-2:2000+A1:2006 Specification for Performance Requirements and Tests for Office Furniture Part 2: Office Pedestal Seating for Use by Persons Weighing up to 150kg and for Use up to 24 Hours a Day, Including Tyoe-approval Test for Individual Companents 办公椅性能要求的检查和测试

5 BS EN 527-1:2011 Office Furniture - Work Tables and Desks - Part 1: Dimensions 办公家具 - 工作台及桌子 - *部分:尺寸


联系人:朱经理 先生 (市场部)
电 话:18823767447
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手 机:18823767447
地 址:中国广东深圳市龙华区龙华街道玉翠社区一区153栋10
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