供应Cobar 94Q-MB免清洗助焊剂
Cobar 94Q-MB助焊剂无卤素(环保) 、固态含量低、低残留焊后免清洗、酸值偏低(对板子,焊点没有腐蚀)。这款产品是博世集团在全球所属公司的一款助焊剂,配方悠久、活性极强、对消除锡球更具有特效,Cobar当初推广时称为锡球杀手
Spray fluxing is the preferred application to apply this flux. Make sure that the unit has a stable and uniform spray-cone.
The flux should have the finest droplets at the lowest possible setting for the atomizing air pressure. (Low air pressure give
bigger and unstable droplets; high air pressure cause bouncing effects of the flux against the PCB surface).
Use a scrap/bare board to set-up the spray parameters. Turn the board upside down after spraying for inspection. It is
essential that a continuous, uniform spray pattern has been deposited all across the board