University students are often encouraged to study fields in which significant job growth (a large increase in job opportunities) is expected; these fields currently include science, technology, engineering, and math, do you believe students should consider studying fields related to these subjects even if they are more interested in other subjects? Why or why not?
2. 难点分析
本次独立写作难度不大,考题对大多数的考生应该都不陌生,它来自我们高频的话题——教育(学习)与就业,加上对比题型中高频的辩证角度之一——兴趣与实用(就业机会)。当然也不要忽视题干中给出的限定条件——大学生,不要只顾讨论STEM education和兴趣的优劣,而没有结合大学生自身的背景和一些特点。
3. 破题技巧
(1)Job opportunities(STEM) 的好:就业前景好,前途与钱途,应用性强等;
(2)More interested in 的好:学习热情高参与度高,结合兴趣更擅长,工作生活更快乐等;
(3)University students的特点:时间利用率高,可选机会多,课余时间多,学习环境好;
4. 提纲思路
(1)Prefer A ( studying fields related to STEM subjects )
①With the technological advancements continuing to reshape social development, people with STEM education background are likely to be in increasing demand as they seek a job.
②Universities make a palpable encouragement on STEM, which offers students majoring in STEM an obviously abundant educational resources.
③The highest-paying jobs require knowledge in STEM, which is fortunately what university students have easier access to