供应NI BW-3023 AS-i Master Interface f
NI BW-3023
AS-i Master Interface for CompactRIO
RMB 10,945【含税价:12806】
1 AS-i Master channel to easily connect sensors and actuators to higher level controls
Support for AS-i specification versions 3.0, 2.1, and 2.0
Autocommunication with 31 nodes or 62 A/B nodes with extended addressing
Diagnose module status, configuration errors, and AS-i activity through front-panel LEDs
Download the AS-i driver from the Resources tab
-40 °C to 70 °C operating range
The BW 3023 requires LabVIEW FPGA 2013 or later.
联系人:余工 先生 (销售经理)
电 话:010-59481196
传 真:010-82907168
手 机:13301122867
地 址:中国北京海淀区西三旗育新花园百骏宏业商务楼2楼
邮 编:100010
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