供应 2016年美国泳池展Int’l POOL SPA PATIO Ex
2016年美国泳池展Int’l POOL SPA PATIO Expo 2016
2016年美国国际泳池、水疗、户外休闲展览会INTERNATIONAL POOL SPA PATIO EXPO|美国泳池展|泳池展会|同期招随团观展考察|中国区总代理| 北京领汇 郭萌旭 15093220170
★ 展会面积达到 140850 平方英尺,共有来自 50 多个国家的 539 家展商参展,其中 125 家展商为新展商
★ 专业观众 11120 人,观众来自泳池行业内的各个细分,包括来自全球各地的泳池/桑拿建筑商、零售商、服务商、设计师、景观建筑师等
On the show floor, you will find a wide range of multi-dimensional manufacturers, distributors and representatives of all sizes displaying products, services and equipment for the pool, spa and backyard industry.
The 2015 International Pool I Spa I Patio Expo was a big winner in Las Vegas, November 10-12, 2015, bringing an impressive display of industry products, education and networking opportunities. This year’s PSP Expo drew 11,556 attendees from across the country and around the world, a strong showing from the global pool, spa and outdoor industries. Attendees experienced a 137,600 square foot exhibit hall packed with brand new industry product launches, innovative show floor features, and an unmatched line-up of on-floor events. The PSP Expo’s conference program, prize giveaways, celebrity appearances and many other new show features added to the additional success of this year’s event.
联系人:北京领汇-郭萌旭 15093220170
座 机:400-8178181转6627
Q Q:2851182508