
联系人:tang 先生 (Manager)




Automatic Girth Welding Machine



Product Detail
This equipment is used incarbon steel stainless steel and aluminum and so on cylindertype workpiece’s welding. Pneumatic workpiece carriers weldingtorch preloaded and device motor is controlled by PLC. Operation stableand reliable.It can use easily and foot switch can control welding process.
Range of application:
It is used in carbon steelstainless steel and aluminum and so on cylinder typeworkpiece’s welding.It can be used in mechanical and electrical hardwareflange welding solar water heater pressure vessel and silencerindustry and so on .
1. This equipment use PLCcontrol method operation stable and reliable.
2. AC drive Speed reduceradjusting range is 5-50Hzoperation stable and reliable.
3. Two guns welding cangreatly improve the efficiency of welding .
4. Girth lap’s length can beadjusted.
5. Cross gun modulator canmake the welding torch multiangle adjustment in order to achieve the best welding effect。


联系人:tang 先生 (Manager)
电 话:86-0335-7186005
传 真:86-0335-8522686
手 机:18003353856
地 址:中国河北秦皇岛市12 yanghe road,qinhuangdao
邮 编:066004
网 址:加入收藏)