
联系人:赵国飞 先生 (经理)







秦皇岛市青龙满族自治县飞源苗木销售中心主要从事绿化苗木的培育,常年供应各种城市绿化及荒山还林用苗;经过多年的经营与发展,已经形成了一定的规模,苗圃占地800亩,成为大型的绿化苗木培育基地之一,产品畅销20多个省、市、地区。 其主要品种有枸杞苗木;枸杞子;枸杞干果;枸杞盆景;枸杞扦插苗;枸杞扦插种条;迎春苗;板栗苗;苹果苗;杜仲苗等数百个品种,品种多,规格全,数量大,质量优,客户可以现场验货起苗,也可以代办托运及返程车辆。
我们将把*优质的苗木以*优惠的价格提供给您,真正做到物美价廉!热忱欢迎广大新老客户光临选购!我们的经营理念:诚信为本,公平实力竞争和优质服务 同样的品种,给予您*优惠的价格同样的价格,给予您*满意的质量 满足您的需要,是我们永恒的追求 我们的经营模式:以市场带基地,以基地促生产,以生产连农户的产业化道路。我们的服务宗旨:生意不在乎大小,只要您满意就好!我们的追求目标:以质量求生存,以务实创新求发展! Qinhuangdao qinglong manchu autonomous flying source nursery stock sales center is mainly engaged in green seedling cultivation, perennial supply of various urban greening and barren hills to forest seedling; After years of operation and development, has formed a certain scale, the nursery covers an area of 800 mu, become one of the large-scale afforestation seedling cultivation base, the products sell well in more than 20 provinces, cities and regions. The main varieties have Chinese wolfberry seedling; Medlar. Chinese wolfberry dried fruit; Chinese wolfberry bonsai; Chinese wolfberry cutting seedling; Chinese wolfberry cuttings ZhongTiao; Chun miao; Chinese chestnut seedlings; Apple seedlings; Eucommia ulmoides plants such as hundreds of varieties, many varieties, specifications, quantity, quality, customer can miao on-site inspection, also can be checked agents and return the vehicle.
We will put the best quality nursery stock provided in the most preferential price


联系人:赵国飞 先生 (经理)
电 话:0335-8503031
传 真:0335-8503031
手 机:13383356287
地 址:中国河北青龙满族自治县秦皇岛市青龙满族自治县木头凳镇
邮 编:066505
网 址:加入收藏)