
联系人:吴青峰 先生 (业务员)







厂家报价WORNER沃纳阻尼器DBS20-08-EW-E联系手机: 18659716811吴先生
传 真 : 0595-36617071
座 机 : 0595-28767820
Q Q :2851519529
常见型号:D070-EW/DW D0140-EW(/DW)-E D0140-EW(/DW)-E D0300-EW(/DW)-ED0400-09-EW-E D0400-09-EW-G D0400A-EW(/DW)-E D0400K-EW(/DW)-ED0400R--EW(/DW)-E D0800-10--EW(/DW)-E DBS150-DW-K1-004DBS150T2-EW-S19 DBS-150 DBS-60-13 D0800-20-DW-EDBS-1100-15-EW-00 DBS150-DW-K1-LKW D0-400-09-EWDBS-60-08-EW-KU DBS15-EW-E DBS15-DW-E DBSS-06DBSS-10-R DBS20-08-EW-E DBS60-08-EW-E DBSA-20-KIDBS-60-KU DBSK-20 DBS150T2-EW/DW DBS150-EW/DWDBS150T4 DBS250-EW/DW DBW240-EW/DW DBSU150-EW/DWDBS270R-EW/DW DBSU270-EW/DW DBS300 DBUS-1100-EWDBUS3000-EW DBUSR400-20-EW/DW DBSUSR1000-EW/DW
NOSHOK测压表40-500 0-15PSI to 0-800
NOSHOK测压表0-1000PSI to 0-6000PSI
FMC ULT旋塞阀2寸1502接口 70Mpa
Severn Trent De Nora (STDN) 一直是利用海水在现场生成次氯酸钠的水消毒系统的领先供应商。In fact, our predecessor companies, Eltech Systems Corp., and Gruppo De Nora, invented the electrode coatings that created a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA?), a non-sacrificial anode technology that permits the on-site generation of sodium hypochlorite.
原装供应Severn Trent De Nora STDN电极板 电极片 价格低 质量好的原装供应Severn Trent De Nora STDN电极板 电极片
evern Trent De Nora is the combination of the seawater onsite hypochlorite generation businesses of Severn Trent Services and Gruppo De Nora.The joint venture encompasses the products, services, and operations of their respective subsidiaries, Exceltec International Corp. and De Nora Seaclor, S.r.l. The product lines included are OMNIPURE?, OMNIPURE? Series 55, MARINER OMNIPURE? Series M55, SANILEC?, SEACLOR? and BALPURE?.
STDN 的技术解决方案经过设计,可应对船舶和岸外水和污水处理的需求。 我们全方位的电解消毒解决方案皆经过标准化设计并且可满足国际行业标准的要求,同时提供有文件包,并且在设施寿命内均会提供相关服务。STDN 还提供有各种服务,包括前端设计和辅助优化、提供预制系统、以至于安装、装配、投产和维护。


联系人:吴青峰 先生 (业务员)
电 话:0595-28767820
传 真:0595-36617071
手 机:
地 址:中国福建泉州市泉州市鲤城区展览城二期A座
邮 编:362000
网 址:加入收藏)