The TPA6204A1 (sometimes referred to as TPA6204) is a 1.7-W mono fully-differential amplifier designed to drive a speaker with at least 8- impedance while consuming only 20 mm2 total printed-circuit board (PCB) area in most applications. The device operates from 2.5 V to 5.5 V, drawing only 4 mA of quiescent supply current. The TPA6204A1 (TPA6204) is available in the space-saving 3 mm × 3 mm QFN (DRB) package.
The TPA6204A1 (TPA6204) is ideal for PDA/smart phone applications due to features such as –80-dB supply voltage rejection from 20 Hz to 2 kHz, improved RF rectification immunity, small PCB area, and a fast startup with minimal pop
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