公司名称:hongbeng diesel pump co.,

Diesel Auto Parts 134151-0220 P84
This is Lily form Hong Beng Diesel Pump Factory which is a leading manufacturer .We are manufacturer of auto engine parts, like diesel nozzle, plunger/element, delivery valve, fuel injector, pencil nozzle, cam disk, repair kit, feed pump, head rotor, spacer, nozzle tester and so on.We manufacture auto parts of good quality, price is excellent, well received by customers.
134151-0220 P84
134151-0420 P86
134151-1120 P93
134 151-2220 P103
134151-2320 P104
134151-2420 P105
134151-2920 P109
134151-3220 P112
134151-3420 P114
134151-4120 P121
134151-4320 P123
134151-4820 P128
13 4151-4920 P129
134151-5120 P131
134151-6420 P143
134151-6720 P146
134151-852 0 P165
134151-8920 P169
134151-9020 P170
134151-9120 P171
134151-9720 P177
1 34152-1220 P192
134152-1920 P199
134152-2500 P205
134152-2720 P207
134152-35 20 P215
134152-4820 P228
134152-4920 P229
134152-6920 P249
134152-7220 P252
134152-8820 P268
134152-9920 P279
134153-1820 P300
134153-2420 P305
134153-2 620 P307
134153-2820 P309
134153-3320 P314
134153-3420 P315
134153-3620 P317
13 4153-4120 P322
134153-5520 P334
134176-2520 M26
138101-3330 333-0
140151-182 0 K14
140151-1920 K16
140151-2020 K16
140153-3520 K147
140153-4120 K153
1401 53-4220 K154
140153-6420 K49
140153-7220 M3
140153-9020 K199
141145-2421 49F
150300-51100 N3
152F2 152F2
1-559 1-559
185-6 185-6
185-9 185-9
1P6400 1P64 00
1W6539 1W6539
1W6541 1W6541
hongbeng diesel pump co.,
联系人:Daphne Lam 女士 (职员)
电 话:865946280295
传 真:0594-8252236
手 机:865946280295
地 址:中国福建仙游县18#QuFu Road,ChengXiang Distric Putian C
邮 编:351100
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