Divinol Lithogrease 000
Divinol Lithogrease 000(产地:德国)迪威诺润滑油
Divinol Lithogrease 000
Divinol Lithogrease 000温度范围:-30~+140℃
Divinol Lithogrease 000滴点:190℃
Divinol Lithogrease 00040℃时粘度:380
说明:Divinol Lithogrease 000耐水、部分合成液体润滑脂,含有抗极压添加剂,Divinol Lithogrease 000用于润滑承受高机械力和热应力的齿轮箱。适用于机床线性导轨的滚动润滑。
Divinol Lithogrease 000为德马格DMG设备推荐用润滑脂。
TEL:0755-33128577 韦先生:18666484967
Description :
. high-grade lithium complex soap grease
. partly synthetic
. work stable
. water resistant
. corrosion- and oxidation resistant
. excellent wear protection properties
. high pressure absorption capacity
. classification GP 000 N-30 as per DIN 51 502
. classification ISO-L-XCDHB 000 as per ISO/DIS 6743-9
Characteristics :
1. General
Thickening agent Lithium soap
Operating temperature range °C -30 up to +140
NLGI-class 000 DIN 51 818
2. Composition
Colour/Appearance yellow
Viscosity of the basis oil/40°C mm2/s 380 DIN 51 562
Water content % < 0,1 DIN 51 777/T1
3. Properties
Drop point °C > 160 DIN ISO 2176
Worked penetration/0,1mm DIN ISO 2137
60 double strokes 460
5000 double strokes 465
Flow pressure
at -20°C hPa 300 DIN 51 805
Oil separation 18h/40°C % 5 DIN 51 817
Corrosion effect corrosion
on copper (100°C) degree 1 DIN 51 811
Oxidation stability
100°C/100h bar 0,2 DIN 51 808
VKA weld load N 2 800 DIN 51 350/T4
Application :
DIVINOL LITHOGREASE 000 is used for the lubrication of rollers in linear guide systems of machine tools. It can also be used for the lubrication of gears with a high mechanical load. The product can be easily pumped in central lubrication systems. The approval of the company Willy Vogel AG, Berlin is available. Due to its low consistence, DIVINOL LITHOGREASE 000 shows a clearly better flow behaviour as
a comparable grease of NLGI-class 00.