调皮可爱的大青虫子,载着孩子们的笑声,奔向了他的最爱红苹果。亲爱的小朋友们,干嘛不放下繁重的课业,驾驶着大青虫子去享受自己的童年和欢笑。大青虫子如是说:嗯 这个平时呢我一般都呆在我自己的屋顶下,风吹不着,雨刮不着。每当来了小朋友的时候呢就是我最最开心的时候了,因为我不仅能带着小朋友去欢笑,还能欣赏诱人的大菠萝和美味的红苹果。
技术产数:Tech Paramerer
型号( model) GCHC-8A
乘员(Cars) 8人
电源( The power supply ) 3N+PE 380V/50Hz
座位(seating ) 8位
总功率(Power) 6kw
设备直径(Equipment diameter) 14m*8m
运行高度 1.8m
运行时间( run time) 分级可调
"Block" nutritional and fruit insect block, this equipment body has two nutritional, ant two modelling, applicable to the amusement park, square, park, etc all kinds of indoor and outdoor playground; It is made of high quality glass fiber reinforced plastic material, with environmental protection, corrosion resistance, good stability, the characteristics of beautiful, popular children's favorite. It is a similar amusement facilities and the dragon.
Fruit WormpulleyNaughtycuteDaqinginsects, carryingthe laughter of children, towardhisfavoritered apple.Dearchildren,why do not youput down theheavy load, drivingDaqinginsectsto enjoytheir childhoodand laughter.Daqingbugssays:ahthisusuallydoesI usuallystay inmy ownroof,windvain, wipervain.Whenever thekidswhenitcomesis mymosthappy time, becauseI was not onlyable to bring theirchildren tolaugh,but also enjoyattractive largepineapple andreddeliciousapples.
Tech Paramerer
Model GCHC-8A
occupant 8person
The power supply 3N + PE 380V/50Hz
seating 8bits
Total power 6kw
Equipment diameter 14m*8m
Operating height 1.8m
running time grade adjustable