8 字型光纜(GYXTC8S)
·8 字型光纜(GYXTC8S) Figure 8 Cable
·产品描述 Description
GYXTC8S光缆的结构是将 250μm 光纤套入高模量材料制成的松套管中,松套管内填充防水化合物。松套管外用一层双面涂塑钢带(PSP)纵包,钢带和松套管之间加阻水材料以保证光缆的紧凑和纵向阻水,和钢丝绞线集成到一个8字型的聚乙烯护套内。 The fibers, 250μm,are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic, the tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. The two sides PSP are longitudinally applied over the outer loose tube. Steel wires and loose tubes filled with water proof compound to ensure compact and longitudinally water blocking ,this part of cable accompanied with the stranded wires as the supporting part are completed with a polyethylene(PE) sheath to be figure 8 structure.
·产品特点 Characteristics
· 钢丝绞线具有极高的抗拉度,便于自承式架空敷设,降低安装成本 · High tensile strength of stranded wires meet the requirement of self-supporting and reduce the installation cost · 具有良好的机械性能和温度性能 · Good mechanical and temperature performance · 松套管材料本身具有良好的耐水解性能和较高的强度 · High strength loose tube that is hydrolysis resistant · 管内充以特种油膏,对光纤进行了关键性保护 · Special tube filling compound ensure a critical protection of fiber · 双面涂塑钢带(PSP)提高光缆的抗透潮能力 · PSP enhancing moisture-proof
· 直径小、重量轻、容易敷设 · Small diameter, light weight and friendly installation · 较长的交货长度,价格便宜 · Long delivery length and low price.
·产品标准 Standards
GYXTC8S 光缆符合 YD/T 1155-2001 和 IEC 60794-1 标准 GYXTC8S cable complies with Standard YD/T 1155-2001 as well as IEC 60794-1.
·光学特性 Optical Characteristics
G.652 G.655 50/125μm 62.5/125μm
(+20℃) @850nm ≤3.0 dB/km ≤3.0 dB/km
@1300nm ≤1.0 dB/km ≤1.0 dB/km
@1310nm ≤0.36 dB/km ≤0.40 dB/km
@1550nm ≤0.22 dB/km ≤0.23dB/km
Bandwidth (Class A) @850nm ≥500 MHz·km ≥200 MHz·km
@1300nm ≥1000 MHz·km ≥600 MHz·km
数值孔径Numerical Aperture 0.200±0.015NA 0.275±0.015NA
光缆截止波长Cable Cut-off Wavelength λcc ≤1260nm ≤1480nm
·结构参数 Technical Parameters
光缆型号Cable Type 光纤数Fiber Count 光缆直径Cable Diametermm 光缆重量Cable Weight kg/km 吊线规格Supporting Wire Spec 连接部分直 径Connection Diameter 允许拉伸力Tensile Strength长期/短期Long/Short Term N 允许压扁力Crush Resistance长期/短期Long/Short TermN/100mm 弯曲半径Bending Radius静态/动态Static/Dynamicmm
GYXTC8S 2~12 7.65×14.5 118 Φ1.0mm*7钢绞线Stranded wires 高×宽Height×Width3.0×2.5 mm 1000/2500 300/1000 80/160
GYXTC8S 14~24 8.2×15.1 129 Φ1.0mm*7钢绞线Stranded wires 高×宽Height×Width3.0×2.5 mm 600/1500 300/1000 90/180
储存、使用温度: -40℃ 至 + 60℃Storage/Operating Temperature : -40℃ to + 60℃
联系人:王宗娟 女士 (业务经理)
电 话:0755-88866688
传 真:0755-83344200
手 机:13480868502
地 址:中国广东深圳市笋岗东路3012号中民时代广场A座812
邮 编:518030
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