德国HBM 高精度力传感器U15
• 德国HBM 高精度力传感器U15
U15 - 明智的选择: U15 高精度力传感器可以用来进行工业标定和研究.
非常精确,结实… 极高的性价比比. U15 高精度力传感器可以用来进行工业标定和研究. 例如:
• 工业场合下,进行可跟踪的力标定
• 作为标定系统参考
• 材料测试机分类.
U15 高精度力学传感器 测量精度为class 0.5 (per ISO 376, 国际力传感器标定标准). 分级对于可追溯的力标定是必须的. U15 的精度级别为0.5 是因为 良好的重复性 和 非常小的误差.
The U15’s tension and foot adapter are permanently mounted to ensure excellent measurement properties of force applied. U15 is available to measure both tensile and compressive forces with nominal (rated) measurement ranges from 2.5 kN to 1 MN. Because of its robust design the force transducer ideally fits mobile measurement tasks.
…many optional add-ons
Furthermore, U15 provides many optional add-ons which enable you to expand its range of applications:
• Mechanical plug protection – for particularly demanding environments, for example, mobile measurement tasks
• TEDS, the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet – for fast and particularly comfortable connection of the force transducer to the amplifier
• Double bridge version – the ideal version for use in calibration systems: one signal is a reference while the second controls the calibration system
Transducer force calibration directly in HBM’s DKD calibration laboratory (certified per ISO 17025).
联系人:宋浩 先生 (业务经理)
电 话:021-69585003-807
传 真:021-51675107
手 机:13391151117
地 址:中国上海嘉定区上海嘉定谢春路1300弄3号
邮 编:201814
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