TC-120C (76只/次)超值星是在TC-120S的基础上
将单缸容量增至1800毫升,实际每次可处理标本量接近一般脱水机的 两倍,买一台当两台用,真正物超所值。2012款升级机型配备全加温 专利设计技术。
TC-120C (1 800ml ) Values increases the capability of simplex to the 1 800ml on the basis of TC-120S.
The capability of processing samples is as twice as the common unit .
TC-120S (1100亳升)时代先锋环保型 2012款
升级版的S型时代先锋全部配备环保罩,既给用户带来实惠和便 利,也体现了环保的理念,自动运行的过程中不仅确保处理质量,同 时强调样品的安全。每次可处理标准组织盒45只。
TC120S (1100ml) Add an environmental cover protected the safety of operator and sample by auto-movement. It is really economical and convenient.
TC-120M( 2012款)迷你星(12款)
600毫升超小容量,时尚精美、小巧实用、节约试剂、 经济实惠,是医疗机构刚开展病理科业务的*选机型。
TC-1 20M(600ml) Mini. Excellent style, economical use.lt is the ideal unit for the hospital.
停电后能继续工作16小时,保 证脱水化蜡过程一次顺利完成!
杜绝卡缸设计,使无论何种情况 卡缸都有智能化预案保护!
柔性编程,让标本任意缸幵始、 任意缸结束!
This unit can keep the equipment working continually about 16 hours for keeping warming and to ensure paraffin in melt all the time after power failure.
The function of flexible programme makes the sample start in any cylinder and finish in any cylinder , really arranging work proc
泰维科技 www.taiva.com.cn