在陶瓷历史上,各朝青花瓷上不同的蓝釉色调,皆有其独特之处。人类的意识形态、价值取向、审美标准在艺术上有着淋漓尽致的表现,比如唐代的磅礴大气,宋代的精致婉约,元代的剽悍粗犷,明代的简约端庄,清代的富丽堂皇,都与当时的社会状况和文化背景有着密不可分的联系。In the history of ceramics, different blue glaze tones on each blue and white porcelain have their own unique features. The ideology, value orientation, and aesthetic standards of human beings have full expression in art, such as the magnificent atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty, the exquisite and graceful contract of the Song Dynasty, the rough and rough of the Yuan Dynasty, the simple and dignified of the Ming Dynasty, and the magnificent and magnificent of the Qing Dynasty. They are inextricably linked to the social situation and cultural background at that time.
此件“青花缠枝花卉纹盖碗”碗口外敞露胎,罐身内外及底足满釉,足端内外斜削较尖,整件器形十分规整,体形硕大,造型浑厚敦实,胎体厚重,手感沉重,致密坚硬,从器口到底足均装饰有典型的青花缠枝花卉,主次有序,层次分明,繁而不乱。整罐釉色滋润,青花沉着,白地偏青,主纹饰为缠枝莲花卉纹,器形高大俊朗,胎体坚实,全器布局丰满,繁而不杂,绘画大气磅礴,线条潇洒自如,极具装饰优美,青花妍丽明快,品相保存良好,造型挺拔向上,气魄宏伟。极具历史价值,且目前收藏投资空间巨大。This piece of "Green Flower Twisted Flower Cover Bowl" has an open tire outside the bowl. The inside and outside of the tank body and the bottom foot are covered with glaze. The inside and outside of the foot are slanted and pointed. The whole device is very regular and has a large body. The shape is thick and solid. The fetal body is heavy, the hand feels heavy, dense and hard. From the mouth of the device, there are typical green flowers and twigs. The main order is orderly, the hierarchy is clear, and the complexity is not chaotic. The whole pot of glaze is moist, green and calm, and Baidi is green. The main decoration is wrapped in Lotus flower patterns. The device is tall and handsome, the fetal body is solid, the layout of the whole device is full, complex and uncomplicated, and the painting is magnificent. The lines are elegant and elegant