机型( Model) ¢250
功率(Motor power) 5HP马达(Motor)+5HP变频器(inverter contrl)
给线外径(Line diameter) ¢0.05—¢0.12 mm
绞距(Twisting distance) 1.5mm—16.07mm
绞合面积(Twisting pith) 0.035—0.45mm2
*高转速(Highest speed rotation) 3000R.P.M
绞向(Winding pith) 左右向可选择(to left orright)
排线装置(Rolling rings unit) 轴承光杆排线 排线/排距均可调节(The maked pole lines up lineLining up line)
制动装置(Braking) 采用电磁刹车(Electromagnetisn Brake)
断线装置(Break line unit) 内外部断线米到自动刹车(Brake that can automatic when insideOr ouside line break)
上下轴装置(Topand bottomris unit) 油压升降(Hydraulic—pneumatic rise and fall)
体积(physical volume) 2.3*0.9 *1.1