霍尼韦尔巴固Posi3USB SCBA呼吸器检测仪
霍尼韦尔巴固Posi3USB SCBA呼吸器检测仪主要特点
? SCBA电脑测试台,测试几乎所有品牌的SCBA性能
? 测试低压(2216 psig)和高压(4500 psig)单元
? 可选声音监测系统(SDS),全自动声音检测报警
? 快速测试,在2分钟内测评SCBA的工作稳定性
订货号 Ref. 描述 Description
54-56-1117 中级转换器在低压(2216 psig)和高压(4500 psig)测试减压阀,包
括精度提升(EP)转换器和Posi 3 USB SCBA测试软件
Low and High Pressure (2216 and 4500 psig) with Middle Stage Trans
ducer, Including Enhanced Precision (EP)
Transducer and Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software
54-56-1117-L 配置便携式电脑的Posi 3 USB(EP)
Posi 3 USB (EP) with Laptop Computer Package
54-56-2117 中级转换器在低压(2216 psig)和高压(4500 psig)测试减压阀,包
括精度提升(EP)转换器,声音检测系统(SDS)和 Posi 3 USB
Low and High Pressure (2216 and 4500 psig) with Middle Stage
Transducer, Including Enhanced Precision (EP) Transducer, Sound
Detection System (SDS) and Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software
54-56-2117-L 配置便携式电脑的Posi 3 USB(EP和SDS)
Posi 3 USB (EP and SDS) with Laptop Computer Package
升级您的PosiChek3? Upgrade Your Existing PosiChek3?
54-21-09 升级Posi 3至Posi 3 USB
Upgrade a PosiChek3 to a Posi 3 USB
54-21-10 升级配置有声音检测系统的Posi 3至 Posi 3 USB
Upgrade a PosiChek3 with Sound Detection.System to a Posi 3 US