Attention cautions of cold welder equipment maintenance: cold welder input for 220V AC power supply; please do not repair this equipment by yourself. Please contact our company or purchase office for maintenance; clean up the surface of the equipment: when the equipment panel becomes dirty, please clean it with wet cloth; please close the power supply between the cleaning equipment; please do not use benzene or other volatiles. Clean the equipment with the hair solvent; check the connection cables and the argon gas pipeline; check whether the AC power line shell is scratched or the socket damage; the cold welder equipment produces high voltage, and the forced dismantling repairs the danger of the electric shock or the damage of the equipment. During the operation, the electrode head will produce high temperature. Please avoid direct touch electrode solder, even if you turn off the power, the temperature of the electrode head is still quite high for a period of time.
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司(咨询电话 0538-5358300)座落在风景秀丽的泰山脚下,东平湖畔,山东东
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人 和数字化逆变焊接电源、焊缝跟踪系统及焊接摆动器等,是一家综合技术实力领先的自动化、智能化焊接成
套 装备的供应商。产品广泛应用于国内外机械制造、化工、汽车配件制造、农用机械、建筑、金属波纹管、太
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电 话:0538-5358300
传 真:0538-5358300
手 机:13345281377
地 址:中国山东济南市山东省泰安市东平县东平工业园区
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