From the geographical location, the distribution of the owner of the vehicle transport service is arbitrary and scattered in the spatial distribution. The driver receives the goods according to the needs of the owner, and the vehicle transportation is generally a direct transport without a fixed line. And the owner of the transport service in zero load is more fixed and concentrated in the space. The LTL transportation includes two transportation modes: trunk transportation and terminal delivery. The goods are aggregated and allocated through the terminal distribution, which is enough to integrate the goods of a car and then transport through trunk nodes.
From the time of the business, the vehicle transportation is arbitrary and random. A transport vehicle generally do not have a fixed service time, the driver received the shipper's request for delivery after receiving departure. And LTL transportation Business Hours is relatively fixed, easy to form time and fixed line, Kaban transport.
From the perspective of cargo condition and loading and unloading requirements, vehicle transportation is more for large cargo transportation, loading and unloading requirements are not too high, and there is no need for specialized berthing and collection. The production organization of LTL transportation than vehicle transportation is more comp
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