供应加拿大AIM SN100C锡条/AIM无铅锡条
- Bridge-Free Soldering - Does Not Contain Silver or Bismuth - Eutectic Alloy
- Icicle-Free Soldering - Smooth, Bright Well-Formed Fillets - Slower Rate of Copper Erosion
- Dross Rate Equal to or Lower than Tin-Lead
AIM SN100C® is a lead-free solder alloy developed by Nihon Superior in Japan. SN100C® offers user-friendly properties and has been proven in commercial production since 1999. The addition of nickel improves the wetting and flow properties of the cost effective tin-copper eutectic. This makes it possible to achieve excellent results in wave soldering at process temperatures comparable to the tin-lead solder it replaces. Performance in wave soldering at least matches that of more expensive silver-containing alloys and the resulting joints are smoother and brighter. SN100C® is available in bar, solid and cored wire, and solder paste