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品牌设计,品牌整合,营销策划, 网站:ixianyang.com联系电话:020-22275721
Guangzhou Yixianyang the advertising (Yixianyang foreign brand) Co., LTD is a enterprise provide depth brand service for the advertising company . This is a company engaged in brand management, advertising creative performance, packaging design, all kinds of graphic design and marketing promotion activity plan and implement professional advertising company. After several years of experience, The art of advertising in understanding the customer demand, Discern the consumer market, Marketing planning and promotion unique expertise, By industry in the senior specialists brand management team All from the actual combat a line. For the domestic and foreign . Has the rich experience in the operation of the brand and successful cases,
enterprise provide hundreds of successful brand planning and professional image design, The most the most domestic creativity and the executive power of the professional advertising company.