经营理念 Business Philosophy
创新:勇于创新,善于学习 Respect: Respect customers, respect suppliers, respect self.
尊重:尊重客户,尊重供应商,尊重自已 Innovation: Be good at learning, Brave in innovation
远景目标 Company Vision
与科技同进步,与客户共成长 Advance with technology, improve with customers
做电子装联业整体方案的好供应商 Become an excellent supplier of total solutions for electronic assembly
品质政策 Quality policy
好的次就做到*好的态度Provide customers with satisfaction products and services
持续改善的精神 Perfect even for the first time
提供客户满意的产品和服务 Spirits of continual improvement
环境政策 Environment policy
提倡重复使用 Recycling and reuse
减少资源消耗 Reduce resources consumption
遵守当地的环境法规 Obey the local environment policy
参与并积极倡导环保 Participate in and promote environmental protection actively.