Es系列庭院灯是一种通过太阳能转化为电能作为电源供给的、用来提供夜间道路照明的灯具,采用高光效LED照明光源, 具有亮度高、安装简便、工作稳定可靠、不铺设电缆、不消耗常规能源、使用寿命长等优点,主要应用于城市道路、小区道路、工业园区、旅游风景区、公园、庭院、绿化带、广场、步行街、健身休闲广场等场所的照明及亮化装饰。
The ES series solar garden light is a new kind of landscape lights which is powered by solar energy. These solar garden lights adopt high efficiency lighting source, having the advantages of high brightness, easy installation, no consuming conventional energy, energy saving, no buried or overhead cables, long service life and environmentally friendly, ect. These solar garden lights can be good landscapes and provide illumination for paeks, gardens, parking lots, squares community areas and historical centers, etc. They are the ideal choice for locations where connection to the electrical grid is difficult, unavailable and unreliable.
型号: JC--LED001 Item No: JC—LED001
规格(高度): 3M Height: 3M
太阳能组件 12V/60W(高效率单晶硅) Solar Panel : 12v/60W(high efficiency silicon)
电池类型是: 25AH(免维护铅酸电池) Battery Type: 25AH(manintenance-free)
光源: 10W-LED LED Brand: 10W-LED
色温: 6500-7000K Colour temperature : 6500-7000K
流明(LM) 500-550 Lumen(LM) : 500-550
工作时间: 8-10小时/天,连续3-5天阴雨正常 Discharge time:8-10hours/day,considering3-5rainydays
灯体 镀锌铁管 Pole Material Galvanized Pipe
工作环境温度: -20℃~60℃ Working temperature: -20℃~60℃
防护等级: IP65 Protection Grade IP65