乐泰 3517
乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517
乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517
乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517 乐泰 3517
乐泰3517胶水/乐泰3517胶水/乐泰胶水 乐泰3517
30ML 1KG装
乐泰 3517 is a one part, heat curable epoxy. It is designed for use as a reworkable CSP(FBGA) or BGA underfill for protection of solder joint against mechanical stress when used for hand held electronics devices.
Chemical Type: Epoxy
Appearance (uncured): Black liquidLMS
Components :One c o mponent - requires no mixing
Cure: Heat cure
Cure Benefit :Production - high speed curing
Application :Underfill
Specific Application :Reworkable underfill for CSP (FBGA) or BGA
Dispense Method :Syringe
Key Substrates: SMD c o mponents to PCB
供应乐泰乐泰工程用胶粘剂,工业胶粘剂与密封剂, 表面处理剂,乐泰辅助产品润滑剂、脱模剂、清洁剂以及其它用于粘接接缝的特殊产品。产品系列详分为:乐泰螺纹锁固剂,乐泰管螺纹密封胶,结构胶,瞬干胶,平面密封胶,固持胶,汉高乐泰UV紫外线光固化胶,乐泰促进剂和安全清洗剂,环氧树脂,乐泰硅橡胶,乐泰贴片胶,产品广泛应用于电子机电汽车、机器制造,在工业维修以及汽车保养与维护等。乐泰电子市场产品:乐泰底部填充胶、乐泰贴片红胶、摄像模组胶、黑胶、导电胶、UV紫外固化胶。