乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held
乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held Applicators 手持式治疗探头 乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held Applicators 手持式治疗探头 乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held Applicators 手持式治疗探头 乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held Applicators 手持式治疗探头 乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held Applicators 手持式治疗探头 乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held Applicators 手持式治疗探头 乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held Applicators 手持式治疗探头 乐泰乐泰97111/97112/97116 Hand-Held Applicators 手持式治疗探头
技术热线: 021-22818476 021-51693135
Product Description
The 97111 Handheld Applicator is for manual dispensing of single component products up to 15,000 cPs viscosity. It is actuated by a finger trigger that is ergonomically designed for comfort, application control and a low actuation force to reduce hand fatigue. It also incorporates a suck-back feature which prevents dripping or stringing.
97111手持式涂抹器用于手动涂抹粘度高达15000 cPs的单组分产品。它由手指触发器驱动,该触发器符合人体工程学设计,具有舒适性、应用控制和低驱动力,可减少手部疲劳。它还包括一个吸回功能,防止滴水或串线。
该阀门连接至7英尺长的1/4英寸黑色进料管线,因此无需组装。如果分配的粘合剂超过15000 cPs,则可提供3/8英寸进料线升级套件(项目#97220),以允许分配粘度高达80000 cPs的产品。